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Facebook & Instagram: remain private from AI

Meta, the owner of Facebook, Instagram, and other social media tools, is changing its data privacy policy to allow users to use our data...

June 12, 2024

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Mp3 from S3 Bucket With React, TypeScript and NodeJS

Are you having issues trying to play your MP3 files stored in an AWS S3 Bucket in a React App, which is being loaded by a NodeJS...

June 6, 2024

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process.env empty after webpack:

We all have faced challenges with Webpack, and even though we know it is a blessing, sometimes it challenges us a lot. In this post, I...

May 21, 2024

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AWS EC2 HTTPS, from Docker to External Domain: Guide

#aws-ec2 #docker #aws-cloudfront #ec2-externaldomain #easy-devops Intro During the initial development of Humaitrix Architecture, I faced...

June 21, 2024

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